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Apprenticeship tax

OVSQ (Observatory of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines) contributes to the training of a new generation of advisers and project managers in the fields of climate, environment and sustainable development serving the needs of businesses and regions.

With your support, the observatory trains students in the professions of the future and prepares them for changes in society through high-quality initial and further education.
The apprenticeship tax allows OVSQ to develop high-quality programmes; to acquire teaching equipment; to offer high-level qualifications focused on the needs of economic players for the efficient and rapid recruitment of its graduates.

Become a true partner of OVSQ by supporting our projects.

Pay your apprenticeship tax to UVSQ specifying OVSQ / Environmental Sciences of the Territory and the Economy / Courses: Sustainable Development Engineering or Environmental Science.

Your support will thus contribute to the development of our courses in the following ways:
  • Purchasing of Software licenses
  • Improvement of teaching programmes
  • Multimedia equipment for the classrooms
  • Monitoring of Career Opportunities: OVSQ is committed to establishing an effective procedure to match the needs of the market with the training provided.
  • Strengthening of the education management structure

OVSQ is authorised to collect the apprenticeship tax. If you would like to support our courses, please contact Luisa Purificaçao at +33 (0)1
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