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The Gérard Mégie instrumented station at the Observatory of Haute Provence

The Gérard Mégie instrumented station at the Observatory of Haute Provence (OHP)
NDACC Network
This station houses the instruments of the NDACC observing service and conducts systematic observations of ozone and of the parameters and compounds with a role in the ozone balance. Along with the resources available on this site, research-type instruments are also installed, operating either in automatic mode or in "campaign" mode.

Two scientific themes are developed:
the study of cirrus clouds,
the study of atmospheric dynamics.

ICOS Network

An ICOS network measurement station is also installed at the OHP site. This European research infrastructure aims to measure atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases and carbon fluxes in ecosystems and the ocean. The ICOS tower installed at the OHP, 100 m high, is a regional branch of the system making it possible to study the role of the Mediterranean forests in the carbon balance.

The scientific objectives are:
  • to track the carbon flows in Europe and adjacent regions by observing ecosystems, the atmosphere and the oceans through integrated networks,
  • to understand and predict the behaviour of global carbon and greenhouse gas emissions,
  • to monitor and evaluate the effect of carbon sequestration and / or reduction of greenhouse gas emissions on the overall composition of the atmosphere, taking into account sources and sinks by geographic region and by sector of activity.