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You are here : OVSQENResearch laboratoriesArctic


Global Challenges faced by the Environment and Arctic societies

  • A new geopolitical perspective
  • Recent developments in the domains of climate, the environment and human activities in the Arctic have opened up new economic, social and geopolitical perspectives.


to bring OVSQ researchers and students together to explore topics relating to the Arctic
to promote research on the Arctic at OVSQ
to get involved in SHS multidisciplinary projects - SciEnv
to involve the indigenous peoples of the Arctic regions in research and teaching


Alexandra Lavrillier, Anthropology and Siberian studies


3 laboratories and a research federation: LSCE, LATMOS, CEARC, and IPSL
4 linked institutions: CNRS, CEA, OVSQ / UVSQ and IPEV
44 researchers (10 doctoral students)



5 ANR, 1 LIA, 1 EquipEx, 6 IPEV, 8 European projects (FP7), 1 Mega-grant (Russia), 1 Franco-Canadian project
  • Projects in Siberia
  • Projects in Greenland
  • Projects in Canada and Spitzberg

ANR: L'Agence Nationale de la Recherche (National Research Agency)
LIA: Laboratoire International Associé (International Linked Laboratory)
EquipEx: Equipment Excellence
IPEV: Institut Polaire Français (French Polar Institute)
FP7: EU Seventh Framework Programme for research and development

Current Programme

Future Projects

Future Projects
  • Resumption of the multidisciplinary project ESCAP NES (7PCRD) ESCAP NES (7PCRD)
  • Adaptation strategies of Arctic societies to climate change
  • Implementation of the POLARIS project (IRSES, FP7) - "Promotion of the cultural and natural heritage of the Arctic and Subantarctic [1] regions and development of
  • sustainable tourism"
  • Implementation of the Franco-Canadian project (UVSQ - UQAM)
  • History of the North and of the Arctic
  • Participation in the CNRS project to create the Franco-Siberian Centre for Research and Education in Tomsk
  • Organisation of the "Gateway to ARCTIC" seminar with AWI and IPEV from October 17 to 19, 2012[2]
  • Response to the call for projects by ANR on Societies and Environmental Change
  • Response to the call from the Belmont forum (ARTISTIC project)
  • Participation in the Franco-Russian research project around geomagnetism with GC RAS